Volunteer Spotlight – Chris

Sierra has the most amazing group of parent volunteers ever, so we’ve decided to start up a series of articles on our Facebook page and website highlighting these wonderful folks who give so much of their time to our school.

Our first featured volunteer is Chris Zaenglein!  Chris is our Spiritwear chairperson who started her work way back in July researching t-shirt vendors, arranging for logo designs, setting up prices, and designing the order form.  She has been present at every school event since Meet the Teacher manning the Spiritwear table, answering questions, helping folks size their shirts, and taking in orders.  She has done such an amazing job of it that there’s no way any of us could tell this was her first time chairing this committee!

If you see Chris around town, be sure to join us in telling her thanks for all of her exceptional work!  Sierra would not be the wonderful place it is without volunteers like her!

Speaking of volunteers, we are always looking for more!  Interested?  Our Volunteer Coordinator, Beth Hare, would love to talk to you!  Email her at volunteercoord@sierrapto.org.


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