Thank you for a Successful Turkey Trot!


thank you

Well, we’ve wrapped up another successful Turkey Trot and for this we give thanks.  This event couldn’t have happened without the help of the many parent and grand parent volunteers out on the field and at the book fair, the front office who took care of check-ins, and the Watch DOGS that also offered their assistance.  A special shout out goes to the Turkey Trot co-chairs Michael and Shannon Reagan, our special turkey mascot volunteer, and Mr. Huntley.

Our gratitude also goes out to Target, all three Ahwatukee Safeway locations, Sprouts and Can’t Stop Smoking for the pie raffle donations.

Lastly, thank you to all the parents who attended and brought new, unwrapped toys for the toy drive and who continue to help make this event such a success.  A good time was certainly had by all!

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