PTO November Tip of the Month

TipOfTheMonth2This month’s tip comes from Sierra PTO Social Media master John Werner. The holidays are here and, whatever you celebrate, it means time for getting together with family and friends. With kids asking for more and more time online in their own worlds, we want to share a tip to get down to basics and start a Family Game Night! Research shows that playing games with the family helps the brain process information more efficiently, teaches children math, language, and basic life skills, and can even help older adults who may have suffered stroke or other brain injury to recover abilities that have been damaged.  Besides which, it is just plain fun!  Here is an article that shares some tips on how to implement a successful Family Game Night – even with teenagers who may be in the “too cool for it” phase by asking them to invite a friend to join.

So go dig out some games and treat the family to a fun night in!


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