JDRF Campaign

Did you know?
2 of our very own Sierra Suns have Type 1 Diabetes. This means that their pancreases do not produce insulin, which is what breaks down the sugar from the food we eat. Because of this, they endure multiple finger pricks and shots every single day, as well as counting the carbs in everything they eat. Together with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, we are fundraising to help find a cure for this disease, and for people like Reagan and Anna!

How can we help?
Thursday, November 14th is National Diabetes Day. On this day, we will be having a Type 1 Diabetes Spirit Day, and we ask that everyone wears blue to school that day! We will be selling JDRF paper sneakers for $1 (or greater donation amount, if you so choose). They will be available for purchase before school from November 7th through November 14th. The 2 classes that raise the most money by 11/14 (one from K-2, one from 3-5) will get an ice cream party, provided by Reagan’s Renegades and Anna’s Bananas!

Click here to download a flyer with all the details

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